Live teaching is back!
After eighteen months of remote and hybrid learning, in-person school is back in full swing. Our partners in the New York City public schools are eager for live music residencies.
We’re seeing a lot of interest in our Build and Play the Drum course, where students make percussion instruments out of recycled materials. We are also excited to pilot our newest instrumental program, Violin and American Folk Music. True to the SCS philosophy, this residency is centered around developing ensemble skills in addition to a strong introduction to violin playing.
Building on everything we learned while teaching ukulele this summer (see our Video of the Week below for a fun final project) we are launching ukulele residencies in several schools. In Strumming through the Americas, entire classrooms will play engaging music from both continents while learning melodies, chords, and strumming patterns.
Classroom recorder playing will return as soon as health conditions permit.